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Order Details

An order contains information about the customer, products, status, labels, and performed actions.

Updated over 3 months ago

Opening an order provides all the details about the order, including the ordered products, order status, address information, created shipping labels, and associated pick lists. From this overview, you will also find a range of actions you can perform.

Under details, you will find the following information about an order:

  • Fulfillment Customer

  • Sales Channel

  • Shipping and Billing Address

  • VVB Carrier

  • Expected Shipping DateProducts

Both addresses and products can be adjusted from this section. However, adding or removing products or modifying the address will delete any open pick lists. You can recreate the pick list after making changes.

Shipments and Logs

Next to the details, you will find:

  • Shipments: All labels created within the order’s pick lists.

  • Log: A record of all actions performed on the order, such as status updates, address or product changes, and created pick lists.

Available Actions

In addition to order information, several actions can be performed from this overview. In the top-right corner, you will find:

  • Packing Slip Button: Access the packing slip for the order.

  • Link to Associated Pick List: Quickly view the pick list tied to the order.

  • Three-dot Menu: Access additional actions:

  • Urgent: Prioritize the order by marking it as urgent. Urgent orders appear at the top of the list and can be filtered specifically.

  • Create Pick List: If the order status is “Backorder,” or if the last pick list was deleted due to changes or order snoozing, create a new pick list by clicking Create Pick List.

  • Return Page: Create a new return for the customer, complete with a return label. You can also share the URL with the customer to handle the return themselves. Alternatively, customers can visit the return portal to look up their order.

  • Create Return: If the order has already been returned or was shipped without using the return portal, manually create the return.

  • Duplicate Order: Duplicate an order if it needs to be shipped again.

  • Snooze Order: Snooze the order to prevent it from being processed until the set time. The order status changes to “Snoozed,” and associated pick lists are also snoozed.

  • Unsnooze Order: If an order needs to be unsnoozed early, click Unsnooze Order.

  • Pause Order: Pausing an order works similarly to snoozing but without a set period. The order remains paused until a pick list is manually created. Associated pick lists are removed when the order is paused.

  • Cancel Order: Use the Cancel Order button to delete or cancel an order. Associated pick lists are deleted, and reserved stock is released.

  • If you want to leave a message about the order for colleagues or the fulfillment customer, click the cloud icon next to the three-point menu. You can include an attachment, such as a “document to be delivered” or an image, with your note.

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